Monday, November 26, 2007

Julie’s Midlife Thoughts

Well, ya'all (trying to fit in the southern states) It is official now that I celebrated my 40 something birthday yesterday. I am well on my way to the "middle years" of a human life span. It seems odd how my memories can take me back to when I was twenty something; how much freedom I felt to choose my career, my friends, my lifestyle. The years pass by and you come to realize that you are still the same person but in different circumstances and appearance, too.
Today, I have a supportive and loving husband of 11 years and two happy (most of the time) growing girls and even our pets, Cinnamon and Victoria are great companions.
It seems the simple things in life have more meaning to me as I grow older. There has been difficult times in my life in which it seems unbearable and even painful but through each hardship. I can only hope that I will continue to grow wiser with my decisions, stronger in my character and integrity, and eventually more intimate with our maker, God. My life is shared with those I love and care for and that I am grateful for. It has been a wonderful life thus so far!!
I was able to take a trip to Seattle, WA in September. I visited my 77 year old mother who continues to live in her home of 20 years. She maintains her good health and remains active. She is considering selling her home in the spring time and I will help her find an independent living apartment here in North Carolina, which would be a great for our family. I hope that all things will fall into to place for her to move closer to us.
It has been about 5 months since we moved to North Carolina. I have been trying to find a part-time job to contribute financially to our household. I will be starting very soon at an afterschool tutoring program for about 2 days a week and 5 hours a week. The Brame Institute contracts with the Guilford County public schools for teachers in which I am hired to teach the curriculum provided by Brame for kindergarten or first grade students who are not performing well academically. It is in compliance with the federal law "no child left behind" they provide the funding to the public schools. I am really looking forward to this opportunity.
I have been reading numerous books about homeschooling education. My "mom" heart yearns to build a closer relationship with each of the girls in all aspects of their maturation (spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically). Also, another reason is for control- isn't that a strange thought? but as Amanda will enter middle school she will eventally be taught about sex. Who, what, where and when should she be told about that subject? is there any bias toward what our culture says about this issue? also, friends that they will choose, exposure to the arts, time to study, things of this nature can make homeschooling very appealing. I sometimes imagine how we could share our thoughts, build a harmonious relationship between sisters, challenge each others intellect. I don't know the outcome but I will have to keep you posted.

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